If you’re tired of dealing with moist, damp air in Columbia, MD, it might be time to install a whole-house dehumidifier. Howard County is near the Chesapeake Bay and has two major tributaries running through it — the Patuxent and Patapsco Rivers — leading to relatively high humidity levels all year round. While your air conditioner has a dehumidifier that operates along with the cooling system, it isn’t designed to combat ambient humidity, only the extra moisture caused by the cooling process.

If you notice condensation on your windows, walls, or ceiling, that’s a major sign that your home is too humid, and you could use a comfort control system to get that moisture level lower. At Beltway Air Conditioning, Heating, & Plumbing, we install all sorts of indoor comfort systems, from HVAC and humidity controls to air quality improvements.

If you have high indoor humidity, you can count on the experienced IAQ experts at Beltway Air Conditioning, Heating, & Plumbing to transform your home into a relaxing oasis.