Heat PumpsWhen you’re looking for heat pumps in Hanover, MD, it’s often an emergency. If your heating or cooling isn’t operating, your home quickly becomes uncomfortable. Summers come quickly in Maryland, and winters bring plenty of days with freezing temperatures, so it’s important to have reliable climate control for your home. Heat pump systems offer some of the most energy-efficient heating and cooling on the market. Whether you already have a high-efficiency system and only need heat pump repairs in Hanover, MD, or you’re interested in upgrading with a heat pump installation, talk to a heating contractor or an AC technician at Beltway Air Conditioning, Heating, & Plumbing about your options and expected savings.

What Are Heat Pumps?

A heat pump is an air conditioner that can run backward to provide heat. Heat pumps are usually split systems, like a furnace and air conditioning unit combination, with the heat pump taking the place of the AC unit outside. These systems are mostly matched with an air handler or blower coil connected to your ductwork system. Still, some unique packaged or wall-sleeve varieties are used in condos or similar applications. Beltway Air Conditioning, Heating, & Plumbing has been installing heat pumps for as long as they’ve been made, so we can help if you need a heat pump replacement, repair, or maintenance. We have accounts with all key suppliers to ensure access to the right products for every home.