Arnold’s Indoor Air Quality Pros
Poor indoor air quality causes a huge range of problems. People who suffer from allergies often find their symptoms are triggered by common indoor air contaminants. For example, pollen or pet dander can cause congestion or watery eyes. Removing these allergens from the air is the best way to combat allergy symptoms. When the air in the home is more pure, many people say they feel better.
Air that is too dry also causes issues for many people. This issue arises most often in winter, when people use heating systems that dry the air. You can combat the effects of indoor heating by using a whole-home humidifier to restore humidity to the air. As a result, you might notice that you skin and sinuses feel more comfortable when you spend time at home.
There are many other devices that can improve air quality in the home. Some use an electric charge to ionize particles in the air. This approach can neutralize odors and kill microorganisms. These electronic air cleaners can be a great addition to air filtration systems, which mechanically remove impurities. UV lights are another option for removing bacteria, mold, and viruses.