Do you wish for better indoor air quality in Catonsville, MD? Beltway Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing has the air quality solutions you need! From filtration systems to whole-home humidifiers, we can address every aspect of air quality. Contact us today to find out how we can make the air more comfortable to breathe in your Catonsville home.

Air Quality Pros in Catonsville

When indoor air quality is low, it can have a big impact on your life. Excessively dry air can irritate eyes, airways, and skin. Air that contains allergens can trigger allergy symptoms. Even lingering odors can get you down when you have to live with them day after day.

Thankfully, solutions are available. We conduct air quality assessments on homes to find out what assistance they need to have better air quality. Some homes benefit from filtration systems that use a series of filters to remove progressively smaller particles. Others require a whole-home humidification system to restore natural moisture balance.

Some people, concerned about viruses and bacteria, choose to install sterilizing UV lights. These lights kill microbes, including fungi. In combination with other IAQ devices, they may help reduce the spread of mold.

We also offer ionizing air cleaners, which use electric charge to destroy certain molecules in the air. Electronic air cleaners can be fantastic at removing stubborn smells that just won’t leave your home alone.